Julia Child Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Tomato Based Sauce

You can have a delicious and nutritious pasta dinner ready in just 20 minutes with this Julia Child Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Tomato Based Sauce.

Pasta cooked to al dente perfection is the perfect vessel for the crunchy zucchini and tender tomato sauce flavored with fresh garlic, basil, and Parmesan.

All members of the family are sure to love this vegetarian pasta dish. I can’t believe how delicious the pasta with zucchini is. I make this vegetarian pasta dish all the time, and it never disappoints. I can’t stop eating it once I begin. It’s airy, crisp, and delicious.

The tomato-zucchini bake was the inspiration for this pasta dish. There isn’t a ton of pasta in this dish. You could flip the names and call it “Zucchini and Tomato Pasta.”

Only enough to satisfy needs. Tender pasta, ripe tomatoes, and sugary, crunchy zucchini—it’s a winning combination. The leftovers of this zucchini and pasta dish are so tasty that I don’t mind eating them all week long. I hope for it.

Having a variety of tasty and nutritious pasta dishes on hand all summer long will save you from turning on the oven when you just want to enjoy the cool air inside.

Use whatever vegetables you have on hand, whether they are from the fridge or the garden, to make a hearty pasta meal loaded with veggies.

The secret to the success of this tomato-zucchini pasta dish is.

You can use any vegetables you like, whatever pasta you have on hand, whatever toppings you like, and still, have one of the most adaptable and delicious vegetarian pasta dishes ever.

Crisp, clean, entire, and aplenty. Quite tasty! The recipe stands out because of the use of garlic, parmesan cheese, and fresh basil. It’s so simple that it’s laughable. Prepare the pasta according to package directions, then cook the veggies in a separate pan.

So long! Ample for lunches throughout the week as leftovers. Separate everything into individual containers for stress-free cooking.

To make zucchini pasta, you will need:

When it comes to pasta, I like short whole wheat pasta or ordinary pasta with grooves since I find that it absorbs more flavorful spices. Whatever you happen to have on hand will do. You could also go with penne or farfalle.

Cubed zucchini—2 pounds, please. You can skip the exfoliation process. You may use green and yellow pumpkins to add even more color to your dish. Put those tomatoes and cherries to good use if you have any growing in your garden!

Cherry or grape tomatoes work best here since they retain their form without weakening the tomato squash paste to the same extent as ripe tomatoes would.

If you cut them in half, you may use the fluids as a sauce foundation. It’s hard to beat the combination of fresh basil and garlic. A bundle of garlic, on the other hand, may.

Garlic and parsley that have been finely diced are used to bring out the dish’s wonderful flavor and freshness. Whenever possible, use freshly grated Parmesan cheese from a block.

This spaghetti recipe is made a bit more homey and familiar with the addition of this bold cheesy flavor. Toss the veggies with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and use the oil to both sauté the vegetables and act as a binder after the cooking process.

In this case, I think just olive oil will do. The paste’s success is likely attributable to the fact that it’s made with a mellower-tasting extra virgin olive oil from the Mediterranean. The dish would be perfect with a dash of salt and pepper.

Making Tomato-Zucchini Pasta:

Here is how I make a complete meal in 20 minutes while doing three other things at once. Be careful to use a very large and deep frying pan before beginning.

To begin, I cut all the veggies. There is a wide range of zucchini sizes. To make it easier to eat, just slice it into smaller pieces. If you find that you have a surplus of zucchini, you may use it in place of butter in recipes like this one for butternut squash.

Vegetables and pasta can be prepared in the same pot. Next, I bring a pot of water to a boil for the pasta and begin prepping the veggies.

As a result, the pasta and pumpkin/tomatoes can be ready at the same time. Zucchini should be cooked rapidly over medium heat until firm.

Remove the zucchini from the pan and set it aside. Cook the tomatoes and garlic for a minute. At this point, you may start mixing the ingredients in a large saucepan. In the end, sprinkle on some freshly grated Parmesan cheese and top with some chopped basil.

In a nutshell, the combination of these flavors is exquisite and highly addicting. Add fresh herbs like basil or parsley at the very end of cooking so that they don’t lose their flavor.

Enjoy! Hints for optimal performance:

Vegetables, whether bought, grown, organic or not, should be washed before being prepared.

Don’t overcook gluten-free pasta since it loses its shape more easily than regular pasta does when cooked. Since there are so few ingredients in this recipe, you must use the highest quality ones possible.

One of the simplest ways to give your dish more flavor is to use high-quality extra virgin olive oil. Parmesan cheese is best when freshly grated.

You don’t have to experiment with the additives, anti-caking agents, and other ingredients that come with pre-packaged goods.

Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Tomato

This summery tomato zucchini pasta is a wonderful way to put those extra zucchini with tomatoes to good use, and it features both zucchini and tomatoes in the sauce.

Due to the easy recipe with which it can be prepared, you will have more time to spend basking in the warmth of the summer sun outside.

Dinner is ready to be served after a short preparation time of just thirty minutes. In the middle of summer, there is a plentiful supply of zucchini. If you don’t already have a gravestone in your yard, you shouldn’t freak out if your spectral next-door neighbor gives you one anyway.

The dish’s star ingredients are its assortment of crisp fresh vegetables. A wonderful dish for the summertime is spaghetti topped with tomatoes and zucchini.

This tomato sauce and shredded zucchini pasta dish is packed with a variety of vegetables, has a low net carbohydrate count, and is very easy to prepare. When the weather is hot during the summer, eating outside is preferable to staying inside and slaving over a hot stove.

Making Tomato-Zucchini Pasta:

The following step-by-step instructions should help if you’re having trouble visualizing how to put together this dish. To print the recipe, simply click on the link below! Prepare a pot of water by bringing it to a boil.

Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Tomato

While you wait for the water to come to a boil, you should start melting the butter and olive oil in a large skillet set over a medium heat. After the zucchini and tomatoes have been added to the pan, they will need to be cooked with some stirring every so often.

When cooking pasta, it is best to put it to water that is already boiling and cook it until it is al dente, which is often approximately two minutes shorter than the amount of time that is advised on the box.

While the pasta is boiling, continue to cook the vegetables for a few more minutes.

After some time has passed, the tomatoes begin to break down, and the liquids that they produce combine with the moisture that is given off by the zucchini. Combine with a small amount of lemon juice and chopped parsley.

Toss the noodles in and combine everything completely. It is recommended that an additional two minutes of boiling time be allotted for the pasta and vegetables.

During the cooking process, it is able to soak up the subtle sauce. On top of the spaghetti, sprinkle some freshly grated parmesan cheese.

Suggestions from the knowledgeable and responses to often asked questions:

If you buy zucchini from a nearby farmer, be sure to give it a thorough rubbing before you use it. This will help remove any dirt or debris that may be on it.

Because sand has a propensity to adhere to the skin, there are instances when simply washing off under the faucet is not sufficient to remove it.

Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Tomato

Tomatoes are perfect since even the largest ones can be consumed in a single bite, and only the very largest ones need to be cut in half before consumption.

The pumpkin and the spices may be easily transformed into a sauce by heating them together. When it comes to our recipe, fresh parsley, basil, or thyme—or any combination of the three—is an absolute requirement.

There is no need for more than a quarter cup, so feel free to experiment with various mixtures based on the ingredients you already have on hand.

I used bucatini, which is a form of long, thick pasta that has a hole in the centre of each noodle. Although I choose it due to the firmness of its texture, any type of spaghetti can do in a pinch. It’s fine to use penne, spaghetti, linguine, or fettuccine.

We are confident that you will adore this light and refreshing pasta dish made with tomatoes and zucchini. Let us raise a toast to the bountiful crop of summer, to uncomplicated meals, and to the experience of dining outside. It is now the beginning of a wonderful time of year.

Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Tomato

Pasta Recipe with Tomato Sauce

The ingredients for this creamy tomato spaghetti can be found in most kitchen pantries. The smooth ketchup is a delight. Using canned tomatoes, you can quickly and easily make a rich and flavorful tomato paste cream sauce.

Best of all, you can have Pasta Recipe with Tomato Sauce ready by the time the pasta is done. Just what you need for busy weeknights. The liquid in this sauce comes from a jar of ketchup, and I boost the tomato flavor with some tomato paste.

Butter, cream, Italian spice, garlic, and garlic powder are added for a full flavor. The finishing touch is some freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

Hints and suggestions for cooking:

Some canned tomato brands are more acidic than others, and the same is true of fresh tomatoes. Mutti and DeLallo are two of my favorite labels.

When dealing with a slightly sour sauce, a pinch of sugar can be used to bring out the other flavors or to make the tomatoes taste sweeter.

Some of my Instagram followers in the United Kingdom have asked what they can use in place of tomato sauce, and I’ve suggested pasta.

You can’t replace the cream’s rich flavor and texture with anything less than full-fat, in my opinion. The acidity of the tomatoes could cause the sauce to curdle.

Pasta Recipe with Tomato Sauce

Pasta of any kind will do (I love penne for this sauce because those little tubes are coated so well). You may substitute chicken or shrimp for the pasta and still enjoy this delicious sauce.

Alternatively, the sauce would be perfect with some cooked chicken, shrimp, or any protein of your choosing. Spinach or other greens can be added at the end of cooking if you want them slightly underdone.

I’m using Italian seasoning since it’s such a versatile blend of herbs, but you could easily substitute other flavors by adding some oregano or dried basil.

If you have any fresh veggies on hand, you may throw them in as well. The sauce may be kept in the fridge for up to 5 days, or it can be frozen for later use. I re-warm it over a low flame.


Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water until al dente, as directed on the box. At the same time the pasta is beginning to cook, put the butter in a skillet and set it over medium heat.

When it has melted, add the garlic and cook for another minute while stirring frequently.

Put in some cream, Italian seasoning, tomato paste, and tomato sauce. Blend together by stirring for a while. Leave the sauce to reduce for 5 minutes, or until it reaches the desired consistency (it should bubble very gently, so you may need to reduce the heat).

If the sauce needs salt and pepper, I like to use a lot of each. Sugar can be added to the sauce if it’s too sour or spicy for your taste.

Put the sauce and pasta together once the pasta has been drained (if the sauce is too thick, add some hot pasta water). Quickly plate and sprinkle with lots of grated parmesan.

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