How 3 Ingredient Zucchini Pasta Meal Can Be Your Main Meal

For some reason, the wedding of Meghan Markle to Prince Harry struck me as significant. During my investigation into the Duchess of Sussex, now known as Meghan, I discovered that our backgrounds are quite similar.

Megan’s lifestyle blog centered on her love of cooking at home and drinking excellently when traveling. Twins? That’s what I’ve been thinking. Anyway, this 3 Ingredient Zucchini Pasta Meal Can Be Your Main Meal and we show you how!

Not only did she become my ideal best friend overnight, but I also couldn’t wait to give her cooking a go. And he made it feasible a few years ago when he told Delish he makes a vegetarian version of Bolognese with just three ingredients.

What’s even better? He assured me that the dish would still have a velvety texture and a luscious, creamy flavor. In his approach, the squash was simmered for four to five hours to make a creamy sauce, and then it was combined with the pasta.

Zucchini, water, and a touch of broth are all that’s in this sauce, but it tastes like it was made with a lot of butter and oil. That being said, I rounded up the necessary supplies from the supermarket and set to work with my cooking utensils.

Recipe for Bolognese Sauce with Zucchini, as prepared by Meghan Markle

This recipe may be prepared with just water, a bouillon cube, and zucchini; they are the only three ingredients required.

I also added an onion and some garlic to the dish since I wanted it to have more flavor and scent (after all, what is pasta without garlic?) To begin, I heated roughly a tablespoon of olive oil in a skillet and sautéed a half an onion and two garlic cloves.

After the onions had become translucent, the sliced squash was added, and the combination was cooked for another minute or two after that.

During this time, I put a cube of broth into a cup of hot water and dissolved it there. After that, transfer the broth that you made by combining the water and broth into the same pot in which the zucchini, onion, and garlic are still cooking.

There was nothing that could have made things any easier than they were at that moment. Give it a good stir, then cover the saucepan and let it boil for a while.

It is necessary to boil the zucchini for some time so that it may become more manageable. Even if you’ve been cooking the squash for many hours, you should check on it about once every half an hour to make sure it hasn’t become too thick or dry; otherwise, you’ll need to add more water to the pot.

Megan allowed hers to steep for four to five hours; so, a slow cooker may be useful in this situation; alternatively, you could simply keep testing the consistency over time on the stove while it was set on low.

After cooking it for ninety minutes, the flesh became quite tender. At the very end, when the pasta has finished cooking, it ought to be combined with the sauce in a single mixing bowl.

If you’d like, you can crumble some parmesan cheese over the top at this point. I added some crushed red pepper flakes to give it a bit more of a kick.

Here are Meghan Markle’s top 5 recommendations for making her zucchini pasta with Bolognese sauce:

Be careful not to step on those zucchinis! Megan let her squash stew for around four or five hours, but I observed that the zucchini turned mushy much sooner than the squash did.

If you frequent this location, there is a good chance that you will be able to indulge in that sauce much sooner than you originally anticipated. You are free to use it anyway you see fit.

The main dish that we had was made of zucchini, some water, and a bouillon cube. Nevertheless, a significant amount of individualization is permitted within this area.

I had the impression that include onion and garlic in the recipe would result in a more complex flavor profile; nonetheless, there are other possibilities.

To give you an example, if you don’t have any broth on hand, you may substitute zucchini for it. You might also include some fresh herbs or other vegetables in the mix if you so choose.

Do not overcomplicate the situation. This sauce may be cooked in one of two different ways: either by bringing it to a low boil on the stovetop for an extended period of time or by placing it in the oven to bake.

Place it in the automated mode, and carry on with the rest of your day. Allow it to continue cooking on the grill for a little bit longer. It is best to hold off on seasoning the zucchini with salt until after it has had a chance to take on the taste of the broth.

Bouillon cubes often have a strong flavor of salt. It is preferable to under-season initially in order to avoid over-seasoning at a later point.

You are the only one who can decide what steps to take from this point forward. You may make this dish vegetarian by exchanging the Parmesan for fresh basil or chopped red pepper flakes, however freshly grated Parmesan is a tasty addition to these noodles.

Zucchini Pasta Meal

The zucchini pasta sauce that Meghan Markle makes has a flavor that is quite fresh and reminiscent of summer for this meal.

Required time: a slow cooking time of between four and five hours It’s insane, yet it has a fantastic flavor! This particular spaghetti sauce is made with a limited number of components, none of which are tomatoes.

The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, has provided the general public with a recipe for an outstanding pasta sauce that includes zucchini. It was really interesting to hear what Price had to say about the wedding of Harry and Meghan Markle.

The wedding, as well as all of the recaps that detailed who made use of what, was a lot of fun to watch. Also, take a look at all those capitalized words! I am sorry to say that I did not take part in the event because I did not feel a true “connection” to Meghan Markle.

Even though Prince Harry is really lovely, and his wedding to an American was one of the most exciting events in recent history, I have never seen him in anything.

Even though he had been a regular cast member on Suits for the previous seven years, I had never witnessed anything quite like it before. There are three components needed to make this dish: a stock cube, some water, and zucchini that has been simmering for at least 4.5 hours.

That’s… strange to say the least. His description of it was that it was a “sexy awful porridge” that should have been served with spaghetti.

Zucchini Pasta Meal

Because I have an abundance of zucchini, I have chosen to give this dish a try because it appears to be quite appetizing.

I bow before Your Majesty, the Queen even though the Duchess of Sussex did not share the recipe for her zucchini bolognese, other publications have sought to reproduce it.

There were just three ingredients included in the original recipe for Meghan Markle’s Zucchini Pasta Sauce, but I thought it needed more flavor so I adapted.

I added some onions that I had gently sautéed in olive oil so that they would have a better flavor before adding them. At this stage, the pumpkins are added, and everything is then simmered for a few more hours after that.

Any food may be given more spice by following this tried-and-true method: simply sprinkle on some chili flakes. You may leave out this component if you’re not a fan of spicy food.

The only things you require, according to Megan, are some zucchini, beer cubes, and water. The food that you receive will, as in the past, be of high quality.

On the other hand, if you want the sauce to have a smoother consistency, I suggest cutting the zucchini very finely.

My children adored Meghan Markle’s Zucchini Pasta Sauce, and I do not doubt that your children would feel the same way about it if you made it for them. Simply referring to her as the “Pasta Princess” can help you make a favorable first impression.

In addition to zucchini, what additional components does the pasta sauce require?

Zucchini Pasta Meal

The recipe that Meghan Markle shared on Instagram just called for zucchini, bouillon cubes, and water as ingredients.

You may cook the zucchini in this way, but I think you’ll like it more if you follow the instructions in my recipe and add some onions. In my opinion, the addition of lemon juice makes for a wonderful finishing touch.

It gives a nice kick of spice to the dish. The addition of parmesan cheese is just another wonderful touch.


Pumpkins should be cut up very small and put to the side. Cook the onion in a pan that has some olive oil in it while it is warming up over medium heat.

Put some zucchini, a bouillon cube, and a cup of water into the pot. A good swirl is required whenever two or more substances are combined.

Cook, covered, over low heat for four to five hours, stirring approximately every 20 to 30 minutes. If it needs it, add water. Before serving, check that the pasta is cooked to the “al dente” texture.

Toss the noodles into the sauce, making sure that they are well covered by the liquid. After breaking the spaghetti into smaller pieces, combine it with grated lemon zest, grated parmesan, crushed red pepper, salt, and pepper.

Zucchini Pasta Meal

3 Ingredient Zucchini Pasta

The previous week, when I was working from home, I concluded that I would test out this 3 Ingredient Zucchini Pasta. To make the sauce, I gathered some zucchini, which are known as courgettes in the United Kingdom, as well as a cube of vegetable bouillon.

The rigatoni was the pasta of choice, and I flavored it with onion and parmesan. To begin, I cleaned and chopped the onions and zucchini. When I was cooking the onion, I used some olive oil.

While I waited for it to become more pliable, I made an infusion of a plant in some water. After letting the onion get more tender, I added the cubed squash and little water to the pan.

After mixing all of the ingredients, I covered the pot and let the mixture simmer for a while. I obtained this sauce after stirring it every two minutes for a total of thirty minutes.

Although Markle suggested boiling the zucchini for four to five hours, I immediately understood that this was not required at all.

My sauce started to get more malleable after only twenty-five minutes had passed. Because the consistency didn’t suit my preferences, I had to add some more water to thin it down.

3 Ingredient Zucchini Pasta

I gave the sauce a total cooking time of around an hour’s worth of simmering. In intervals of around five to ten minutes, he would stir it and then sprinkle some water on top of it.

When the pasta was done cooking, I tossed it with the sauce and finished it off by sprinkling some grated Parmesan on top.

In conclusion, people who work from home on a limited budget will find that this is a good dish to try. The amount of effort required was little, and I was able to get some work done on my laptop in the time that it took for the sauce to come to a boil.

When Markle said that the sauce would have a lovely flavor and a silky texture, she wasn’t lying.

The next time you make this meal, you might want to try experimenting by adding more vegetables or even some meat because the recipe allows you a lot of leeway in terms of what goes in it.

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