Frozen Zucchini Noodles Recipe with Chicken and Tomatoes

Because I am unable to ingest gluten, I have been exploring the many different ways in which zucchini noodles may be prepared.

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Try serving this Zucchini Noodles Recipe with Chicken, Tomatoes (optional), spinach, and Parmesan cheese over noodles prepared from zucchini instead of traditional spaghetti for a low-carb option that is also healthier, and also it can be frozen.

Instructions for the Preparation of Zucchini Noodles

This recipe is not only one of my favorites to prepare using zucchini noodles, but it is also one of the foods that I make the most often. The weather is pleasant during the whole of each year.

Even though there are a lot of various ways to prepare zucchini noodles, the classic dish that makes use of garlic and spinach is the one that is the most difficult to top.

Mix some chicken that has been cooked with some fresh herbs that have been chopped into pieces, and use this as the finishing touch to your dinner.

This meal, in its current form, does not include any gluten or dairy products, making it an appropriate choice for eating on a Whole30 diet.

If you do not have an allergy to dairy products, adding some freshly grated Parmesan will give this dish a salty, nutty, and rich character that will certainly take it to the next level.

If you do have an allergy to dairy products, feel free to skip this step. This meal is the epitome of paleo cuisine since it has a negligible amount of carbs, it does not induce ketosis, and it is delicious.

This recipe for zucchini noodles asks for just five ingredients, and the amount of time necessary to prepare it is less than ten minutes in total.

Make sure the chicken is ready. I prefer to prepare chicken that has been cooked with herbs and then cut it into cubes so that I can use it in a variety of meals during the week. Some examples of these recipes are zucchini noodles and salads.

You have already set the oven temperature to 425 degrees Fahrenheit; use it to roast the chicken. When seasoning the chicken, use a combination of different powdered dry herbs, such as garlic powder, basil powder, parsley powder, thyme powder, and rosemary powder.

Bake until a thermometer registers 165 degrees Fahrenheit on a digital scale (20-30 minutes, depending on size). Cut it into cubes after it has been removed from the oven and let it rest for two or three minutes after taking it out of the oven.

The number of noodles required for one serving of my noodle dish prepared with squash may be obtained by spiralizing one small to medium-sized squash.

The flesh from a single large zucchini may offer enough nourishment for either one or two people if the zucchini is sufficiently large. When I need to convert zucchini into noodles, I utilize a spiralizer called a Padrino. It comes highly recommended by me.

You may sauté the garlic and spinach in a large pan by heating one to two teaspoons of oil (either olive or avocado) over medium heat in the skillet. Oil needs to be spread around the bottom of the pan.

When the garlic has been sautéed for a minute and a half while being tossed about often, add three minced cloves of garlic to the pan.

After that, stir in four cups of baby spinach and continue to do so until the spinach has wilted down.

After giving the ingredients a toss for one to two minutes to combine them, add two cups’ worth of shredded chicken and two cups’ worth of zucchini noodles to the pan and stir to combine. Reheating the zucchini noodles is all that is required to keep them from being overdone.

When they are cooked for too long, they develop a mushy texture very soon. Keep them al dente, which means they should still have a little bit of a crunch to them.

On top of each section of zucchini noodles, you should sprinkle some freshly grated Parmesan cheese, and then you should top a significant amount of the noodle topping with zucchini.

Black pepper that has been freshly ground is another one of my go-to spices. I find that it pairs especially well with other varieties of black pepper.

When making preparations in advance, how far in advance can you make zucchini noodles?

Totally! Noodles are a common ingredient in my squash dishes. After spiralizing the zucchini, transfer the resulting strands to an airtight container so that you may utilize them at a later time.

Spread out some paper towels on the top of the container’s lid so that they can soak up any moisture that may have accumulated there.

This will allow the paper towels to do their job more effectively. Zoodles created from zucchini may be kept in the refrigerator for up to five days after they have been created. However, you must refrain from placing them in the freezer since doing so would cause them to become mushy.

A technique that can be broken down into the following steps:

Set oven temperature to 425 degrees F. After applying two tablespoons of avocado oil to each side of the chicken breasts, lay them in a baking dish and then put the dish in the oven.

Before beginning to cook the chicken, salt, pepper, and garlic powder should be evenly distributed on all sides of the chicken.

If you have a thermometer that provides quick readings, you should roast the chicken for 20 to 30 minutes, or until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. After taking the chicken from the oven, allow it to rest for a few minutes before cutting it into cubes.

This will ensure that the chicken is entirely cold before you cut it. Place a large skillet on the stove, and adjust the temperature so that it is medium.

The pan needs two tablespoons’ worth of avocado oil added to it. After a total of thirty seconds of stirring, the next step is to add the garlic to the pan.

After approximately three minutes of tossing, the baby spinach should be added, and then it should be cooked until it is wilted. When the spinach has become wilted, add the chicken and zucchini noodles to the pan.

Mix everything for one to two minutes. Finish the zucchini noodles by dishing them with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese and freshly cracked black pepper.

Zucchini Noodles Recipe with Tomatoes

This summer, for a lunch that is both reviving and nourishing, you may want to try this Zucchini Noodles Recipe with Tomatoes, basil, and parmesan cheese instead of traditional pasta. For a lengthy period of time, I avoided being part of the crowd that was spiralizing their vegetables.

Where exactly does the difficulty lie in this situation? It still has the appearance of zucchini even after it has been cut. Why should we put ourselves to the difficulty of transforming it into neat little spirals? Please give me the opportunity to elaborate.

I was completely and utterly incorrect about this. This has absolutely nothing to do with pretending that spaghetti is veggies in any way, shape, or form. Vegetables are just vegetables. You are really referring to pasta when you say you are eating spaghetti.

Whenever anything like this takes place, I often make some spaghetti for myself. However, constructing “strings” out of zucchini and other vegetables is an appetizing way to change things up and add some variety to the dish.

By leveraging on the fact that everyone likes playing with cooking noodles, the company Spiralize has created a product that makes the process of eating veggies and fruits an entertaining experience.

Because it cooks in a relatively short amount of time and has a taste that is not overbearing, zucchini is an ideal candidate for use as a basis for the use of more robust or subtle spices.

I spiralized a variety of vegetables and fruits during the summer, including apples, potatoes, and beets, in addition to spiralizing zucchini. When I prepared this easy dish, I used whatever ingredients I already had on hand rather than purchasing any new ones.

My enthusiasm for putting the home-grown tomatoes and basil to good use was so hard to suppress that I had to bite my lip.

Zucchini Noodles Recipe with Tomatoes

It is vital to bear in mind that due to the high water content of zucchini, this meal cannot be preserved since it cannot be stored in the refrigerator. This means that it cannot be eaten later.

It is strongly suggested that you consume the whole thing on the same day it was purchased. You can’t possibly do this on your alone; you’ll need some help from others.

I have a suggestion for you: always spiralize the zucchini so that you may use them as a replacement for noodles several times each week without having to clean the spiralizer in between usage.

I have a suggestion for you: Zoodles may be kept uncooked in the refrigerator until they are needed, at which point they can be cooked.

Following the publication of a teaser image of this dish on Instagram, fans on that platform expressed an interest in receiving further information on the spiralizer that I used.

So, first, let me explain. Are we Instagram friends? It is probable that it should, taking into consideration that I am a regular presence at that place, where I provide advice and recipes. Spiralizers are now in my hands, and I have two of them.

After seeing that Paderno was selling it on, I made the decision to purchase it directly from him. A significant length of time had passed while it was dormant within the container.

Around this time last year, Kitchen Aid approached me with the goal of contracting me to produce a recipe utilizing the spiral attachment that is included on all of the company’s stand mixers as standard equipment.

Zucchini Noodles Recipe with Tomatoes

After settling on the spiralizer as my method of choice, I quickly realized that I was in quite a pickle. In the course of putting up this dinner, I made use of these exact ones; however, Padreno’s Spiralizer is another option that comes highly recommended.

In spite of this, I do not advocate the usage of spiral sharpeners in any capacity.

They perform very well on zucchini, but not so well on other types of fruit. Anyway… The instructions are included below for your convenience.

Since you are allowed to put your own spin on this meal, the following list should be seen more as a suggestion than a mandate. Give it a go, and then tell us in the following comments what you think about it.


Make zucchini noodles. It is recommended to heat the olive oil in a big pan that is at least two inches deep over a heat setting of the medium.

The pumpkin should be cooked in oil for about three minutes for each spiral. After integrating the garlic and stirring it in, the cooking process should be continued for another minute or two.

To the mixture, add some fresh cherry tomatoes that have been cut and then put them in the refrigerator. It is suggested that the tomatoes be roasted until they reach a temperature that is just above warm.

In the mixture, include some crushed red pepper, kosher salt, and freshly ground black pepper.

Zucchini Noodles Recipe with Tomatoes

Mix all of the ingredients together well until they are fully integrated. Get out of the way of the burning building! To create the garnish, detach basil leaves from their stems and pluck off individual leaves. Then, on top of the basil leaves, add freshly grated Parmesan.

Turn! Even if it is on the lighter side, you can still have a supper that is appropriate for the company by serving these zoodles with a side of salmon in the evening on the patio.

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