Excellent 15 Minute Garlic Shrimp Zucchini Pasta Recipe

After only a short period spent preparing the dish, you will be able to enjoy garlic butter shrimp that are served over zucchini pasta in fewer than 15 minutes.

This ketogenic and low-carb excellent recipe is simple to prepare, and it is loaded with taste as well as components that are helpful to your health.

The three things that have ever existed that are both the best and the worst are garlic, butter, and pasta, and in that order. Garlic, butter, and pasta are the three things that have ever existed.

Because it will entirely satiate your desire, eating this dinner of Shrimp and Zucchini Noodles will cause you to no longer be hungry for Italian cuisine once you have finished eating it.

The substitution of traditional pasta for zoodles made from zucchini in this dish results in a dinner that has a lot fewer calories, but the flavor and consistency of the finished product are not altered in any way by the change in source.

Using zucchini noodles in place of traditional spaghetti is one of my go-to methods for preparing a supper that is not only nutritious but also low in the total quantity of carbs it contains. This method is one of my favorites.

This is because zucchini noodles have fewer carbohydrates than traditional noodle options. It is not simple to find anything that is not only delectable but also has a low amount of carbohydrates that it contains.

Because everything is being made in a single dish, there won’t be any extra dishes that need to be cleaned when the supper is finished.

You should be able to have this supper ready to serve in around fifteen minutes because shrimp can be prepared in such a short amount of time after it has been exposed to heat.

The shrimp only takes about two to three minutes to cook, and the zucchini may be cooked in the same skillet for a few more minutes if the client so desires. The cooking time for the shrimp is just around two to three minutes.

The Use of Zucchini in Place of Noodles and Zucchini in Place of Noodles

There are two ways to get the distinctive form of pasta or spaghetti; one is to peel the pasta or spaghetti, and the other is to use a julienne cutter to cut the pasta or spaghetti into julienne.

You may also make broad noodles with a regular vegetable peeler or a mandolin slicer if you’d like, but these methods aren’t required.

When it comes to making the most efficient use of one’s time, chopping the pumpkins first and then peeling them after they have been sliced is the way to go.

Zoodles created from zucchini that have not been peeled have a texture that is comparable to that of mush and lack the crispness that is acquired from the vegetable’s skin. Zoodles prepared from peeled zucchini have a consistency that is similar to that of mush.

If you cook the zucchini noodles for an inordinately long period, they will eventually take on the texture of the dough. The preparation of noodle-like strands from zucchini does not need a large amount of time.

It shouldn’t take more than a minute and a half for the noodles to heat up to the point where they are comfortable eating them. Make sure your noodles are cooked to an al dente condition for the most enjoyable eating experience possible.


It is necessary to first clean the zucchini, and then chop it to get it ready for ingestion. Make the pumpkin noodles with a spiralizer first, and if you are satisfied with their appearance, set them to the side of the bowl.

One tablespoon of oil should be heated over moderate heat in a pan with a heavy bottom until it reaches a temperature where it is ready to be used.

When the oil is ready, it may be used. After being seasoned with salt and pepper, cooking in a hot skillet for one minute, and then removing the shrimp from the pan, the shrimp will be ready to eat.

Before combining the ingredients, the pan should first be seasoned with garlic, some Italian spice, and some ground pepper.

Give it one extra minute of cooking time on each side if you want the shrimp to have a pink color and the garlic to have a brown color. Placed in a container for consumption at a later period when more convenient to do so.

The next thing you need to do is add the squash noodles to the same pan and cook them for two minutes while seasoning them with salt and pepper, or until they are mushy. If they are not yet soft, continue cooking them until they reach that point.

Proceed to the next stage even if they are not yet prepared for it. When the shrimp are done frying, return them to the pan in which they were cooked and continue to cook them.

You might top the dish with grated parmesan cheese or fresh parsley that has been cut into bits. Both of these options are delicious.

Garlic Shrimp Zucchini Pasta

Fantastic and easy to make, this Lemon Garlic Shrimp Zucchini Pasta is a healthy choice for lunch or dinner.

Prawns (or prawns, if you want) sautéed in fragrant olive oil with lemon and garlic are tossed with fresh zucchini noodles and a fair amount of Parmesan cheese.

Cheese-free, gluten-free, low-carb, ketogenic versions of this dish are possible for those who follow the Paleo or Whole30 diets.

The traditional Italian dish, shrimp scampi, is often made with spaghetti and a garlic-lemon-butter sauce.

Despite my fondness for butter, I decided that olive oil would be a better choice for cooking this meal. Because of the bright lemon and garlic flavor, it is my go-to for preparing shrimp or prawns.

To reduce carb intake and increase nutrient density, zucchini noodles can be substituted for spaghetti. Those who follow a Paleo or Whole30 diet can adapt this dish by omitting the Parmesan cheese, as I said at the outset.

Raw zucchini pasta or noodles taste best when they are made from medium to large zucchini. In place of a spiralizer, you could use a carrot peeler to make pretty ribbons, or you could simply slice the zucchini into thin rings.

I usually use two small zucchini or one medium/large zucchini per dish, but if you have a bigger family or are very hungry, feel free to use more.

Because of the diversity of my readership, I typically shorten the name of this shellfish to “shrimp” or “shrimp.” You may use fresh, peeled, or frozen shrimp or prawns in this recipe.

High-quality olive oil is essential for flavor and nutrition. Add some garlic, lemon juice, Parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper afterward. It’s as easy as pie!

Garlic Shrimp Zucchini Pasta

I use frozen shrimp that has already been peeled to save time and money. Since it can be used in so many different ways, I usually keep some in the freezer.

I thaw it as needed and then use it in everything from salads for lunch to quick meals like rice with shrimp and cauliflower or stir-fry.

The frozen shrimp just need to be thawed for 10 minutes in hot water before they can be used. The best way to defrost it is to leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

Shrimp and squash spaghetti with lemon and garlic:

Step 1: Spiralizing zucchini or peeling it into thin ribbons create a low-carb, gluten-free alternative to traditional pasta. Shell the shrimp if you like.

You need to shred a clove of garlic and half a lemon. Grated Parmesan is the best way to enjoy it. So, because this is a simple dish to prepare, gather your materials.

First, heat a skillet over medium heat and leave it there. Turn down the heat and add garlic and lemon peel to heated olive oil. To make the garlic firm, fry it for a full minute. The shrimp may be added now, and the heat should be set back to medium.

The instructions say to add the ingredients, heat for a minute and a half, stir, and cook for another minute. And finally, zucchini noodles are ready in a flash. Toss the zucchini noodles with the juice of half a lemon and little salt and pepper to taste.

Shrimp, garlic, lemon, and olive oil combine to form a delicious dipping oil. Then, transfer to the pan and stir in half of the grated parmesan.

Place on a serving platter and top with the remaining cheese. Tossing it in olive oil and seasoning it with salt would be delicious.

Garlic Shrimp Zucchini Pasta

Excellent Shrimp Zucchini Pasta Recipe

This recipe for Garlic Shrimp with Zucchini pasta is not just an alternative for a Paleo meal that can be prepared quickly and easily, but it is also free of gluten and low in carbohydrates, and excellent. assuming that everything is going well for you.

The container garden that will go on my patio received its first seeds the previous week. I began by adding red peppers, cherry tomatoes, and green onions.

These were the first items that I added. Not too long ago, I sowed some green beans and strawberries, and regularly, I grow culinary herbs such as parsley, cilantro, and chives.

The first year I tried to grow an organic garden on the patio, it was a miserable failure, but I’m giving it another shot this year in the hopes of having more success.

In what sense do you find this statement of mine to be illogical? To tell you the truth, I didn’t have a lot of luck with my garden the previous year.

Neither my bell peppers nor my cucumbers were able to grow, even though my cherry tomatoes and green onions did rather well. Due to the proximity of the lake and the wind, I was unable to properly cultivate any vegetables this year.

Even my plants received an adequate amount of water. His inexperience in gardening led to the demise of almost all of his plants, which he had carefully tended. I am aware of how tragic it is.

Excellent Shrimp Zucchini Pasta Recipe

The most important thing is that I didn’t give up and continued trying. Even though I’m not very good at gardening, I’m making an effort to get better at it by reading up on various gardening topics.

This time around, I have hope that my itty-bitty backyard garden will be a success. This time I’m going to be extra careful, and I’m going to put all of the love that I have into it. I assure you that I will keep you informed.

Having said that, the reason I’m bringing up my garden in this piece is that… Because, when I was cooking this supper, I was thinking about how great it is to make use of products that were grown at home.

Someday, when I have a bit more space to call my own, I hope to plant a garden where I can grow my fruits and veggies. At this point, all I require for happiness is a small garden in my backyard.

However, for the time being, let’s go ahead and pull some zucchini out of the refrigerator so that we may make this dish, which is both easy and quick to prepare.

Although the shrimp, tomatoes, and garlic in this meal are delicious, the star of the show is the zucchini noodles.

I hope that today’s post has inspired you to give gardening a shot, even if you have a limited amount of space to work with, such as a balcony or patio as I do. Taking that very first step is necessary. So, give it some serious consideration.

Excellent Shrimp Zucchini Pasta Recipe


In a frying pan, olive oil should be warmed up at a heat setting of the medium. Fry the onion until the color changes to a golden brown.

Place the garlic in the pan, and heat it for approximately a quarter of a minute. At this point, you should mix in some chopped tomatoes and shrimp. Add some salt and pepper as a finishing touch.

Maintain a low simmer for around five minutes. Now is the time to add the parsley, and you should whisk it in until it is well distributed throughout the mixture.

During the time that the sauce is simmering, use a spiralizer to prepare the zucchini noodles. Utilizing a sharp knife, remove the stem and end pieces from the zucchini. To get the pumpkins ready, cut them in half lengthwise.

To spiralize the zucchini, you will need a shredding blade in the shape of a C and a spiralizer. Using kitchen scissors, cut the noodles as they emerged from the water.

If you don’t cut the noodles, they will end up being far longer than necessary. I do it because it makes them easier to chew when they are shorter, which is why I do it. Wait to consume the noodles till later.

The zucchini noodles should be cooked in the sauce for three minutes, during which time they should be tossed with tongs regularly. The addition of feta cheese as a garnish.

Excellent Shrimp Zucchini Pasta Recipe


If you can, try to avoid purchasing large zucchini because they tend to contain more water than smaller zucchini. Pumpkins do not need to be peeled before being spiralized because of this technique.

Washing them beforehand will ensure your protection. If you can only get shrimp that has been frozen, you will need to make sure that it has been thawed completely before continuing with the recipe.

Because the zucchini will turn mushy if this meal is kept for an extended amount of time, it is best to avoid storing it.

This meal should be eaten no later than two days after it has been prepared for the finest flavor. You may rewarm zucchini noodles in the microwave or a pan. Either method is OK.

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