Canned Noodle Soup from Scratch with Chicken Breast

What should you make if you want to make something good from scratch but don’t have a lot of time to do it? What about a canned noodle soup with chicken breast that can be ready in less than half an hour?

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Do not be scared! Do you know that one of my favorite types of soup is this particular variety? One of the things that appeal to me the most about it is the fact that it can be cooked with culinary equipment, but furthermore, with anything else that you choose.

This is one of the things that makes it so versatile. In addition, I have a strong preference for meals that may be prepared in a time frame of thirty minutes or less.

In most instances, when I make chicken soup, I use fresh chicken, but for this particular recipe, I wanted to try something new, so I decided to use canned chicken instead.

Although I try to avoid using canned chicken if, at all feasible, I was looking for a recipe that required very few ingredients from the cupboard for this particular occasion.

You may use cooked chicken breast or even leftover chicken from a rotisserie chicken if you want to make the kind that comes in a can. This soup takes advantage of every item in the cabinet in its original form.

However, you are allowed to alter the components in accordance with whatever preferences you may have. This soup, in its original form, makes use of each and every item that can be found in the cupboard.

During the course of the preparation of chicken noodle soup, which sort of pasta should I use? Because it wouldn’t be suitable for me to do so, I’m not going to tell you which kinds of spaghetti are OK and which ones are not.

For me, any and all forms of pasta have the potential to satiate my desire for something delicious. On the other hand, I’ll go through the many kinds of noodles that I find to be the most successful in making my chicken noodle soup.

It would seem that egg noodles are the most common option for chicken noodle soup, despite the fact that there are many other types of noodles that might be utilized.

One of my favorite additions to chicken noodle soup is spaghetti rutini, although I’m not quite sure whether this is a common practice or not. Either way, it’s one of my go-to ingredients. Personally, I have a broad range of interests and preferences.

These are the two kinds of pasta that I like to eat the most, but you may absolutely use whatever you have available to you. Your preferred preparation of spaghetti will in no way influence how I see you, regardless of how much time I spend thinking about it.

I’m planning to prepare chicken noodle soup, but I have no clue what sort of chicken I should use. In the same way that various sections of the noodle can be used to make spaghetti, I believe that different parts of the chicken may be used to make chicken noodle soup.

A mouthwatering meal may be made out of either the chicken’s white or black flesh, depending on which one is cooked.

When I’m having chicken noodle soup, on the other hand, I always choose the breast. For this easy recipe for chicken noodle soup, I used canned chicken.

However, rotisserie chicken or even store-bought rotisserie chicken would also be wonderful alternatives. I hope you enjoy this comforting dish as much as I do!

The secret to quickly and simply preparing this soup is to use chicken that has already been fully cooked, either in the form of canned chicken or chicken that has been cut from a whole chicken that has previously been cooked.

This soup is delicious when served with homemade beer bread rolls or crackers for a supper that is not only fast and simple to prepare but also calls for items that are often stocked in the cupboard.


The chicken that comes in a can has to have the liquid drained out of it, and then it needs to be rinsed. Reduce the size of the chicken pieces so that they are easier to handle.

Put the chicken and the water cubes into a large saucepan, then bring the water to a boil over high heat. Put the kettle on the highest possible heat setting.

Put the noodles and everything else, including what has been previously said, into the water. Ten minutes of cooking over moderate heat should be plenty to finish the dish.

You may either begin the soup in a separate pot of boiling water and bring it to a boil right before you are ready to serve it, at which point you will add the noodles and continue cooking for an additional ten minutes.

Noodles: You may either cook the noodles in a separate pot of boiling water or then add them to the soup just before serving, or you can add the noodles to the soup during the last ten minutes of cooking time.

Both of these choices are available to you. No matter how you prepare it, the soup is going to be delicious.

Notes: In order to prevent the soup from turning into mush and the noodles from soaking up all of the stock that has been kept in the refrigerator, I always make sure to boil the noodles at the same time as the rest of the ingredients.

In addition, I place the cooked noodles in a container that is distinct from the soup and place it in the refrigerator to chill.

You may reheat soup that has been stored in the refrigerator in either a pot on the stove or in the microwave. Either method is OK. Once you have the chilled noodles in the bowl, top them with the hot soup and set them aside.

The noodles will finish cooking more quickly in hot soup, and if you refrigerate the soup, it will not become a boring stew as it would if it were left out at room temperature for an extended period of time.

Canned Noodle Soup from Scratch

If I were to show you how to make canned chicken noodle soup from scratch, there is a good chance that you would never want to purchase chicken noodle soup in a can again.

The method is straightforward, and the results are really fantastic. Both the time-honored way of cooking using a stovetop and the more contemporary approach of using an Instant Pot are described in full here.

On a marble countertop that has a red dish towel covering it, there are two bowls of chicken noodle soup in white. The exhibit that is placed on the countertop is white.

My family has already been impacted by the fact that there are now two separate colds running around this winter, and we are still in the early stages of each of them. It would seem that the start of the school year also signals the beginning of the neighborhood’s exposure to numerous infectious illnesses.

This might be because students bring home germs from school. At the same time as infectious diseases are more likely to spread at Christmas gatherings, alcoholic drinks also have a greater chance of doing so.

As a result, preparing a pot of chicken noodle soup is one of the winter activities that I like doing the most. Equally, you have a valid point, especially taking into account the fact that chicken noodle soup made from scratch is the healthiest and most efficient remedy for the common cold and the flu.

Because I already had some on hand, I substituted chicken broth for the water in the recipe. It is also up to you to decide whether or not you will make effective use of the storefront display cases.

Canned Noodle Soup from Scratch

Because bullion is not the best option in this situation, we recommend that you season whatever you have by adding some high-quality chicken stock to it.

After putting each one through its paces, I can attest to the fact that each has a set of desirable qualities of its own.

I have just completed making this in my Instant Pot, which is an extra plus, and I will be sure to include directions for how to do so in the recipe. But despite this, if you give it a go, you’ll be surprised to find out how simple it is!

People are often caught off guard by your actions. This is very normal. On a cutting board made of wood, there are pieces of celery, carrots, and onions that have been sliced.

Over the course of the last several years, I have purposefully avoided attending any events of this nature.

If celery leaves were included in the meal, I believe it would be a significant step up in quality overall. You may often find pre-cut veggies in the produce sections of many supermarkets and other types of food shops.

These leafy greens may be consumed as soon as they are ripe. You are free to utilize this technique with whatever kind of pasta you choose. Despite the fact that I like egg noodles in my chicken noodle soup, you may use whatever kind of pasta you choose.

Egg noodles are one of my all-time favorite types of noodles. If I simply make noodles for myself, there is a possibility that I may not be able to conserve enough food for lunch for my family. On the other hand, that quantity is ideal for a single portion of soup to be served.

Canned Noodle Soup from Scratch

Oven: Before bringing a big pot up to temperature over medium heat, the inside should be sprayed with cooking spray or olive oil spray. This saucepan had a capacity of five and a half quarts and served several uses.

The onion, celery, carrot, and bay leaves should all be chopped into small pieces before being put into the pan at the same time. After they have reached a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer, give them a thorough stirring, and then remove them from the fire.

It should be cooked over a low simmer for about five minutes, during which time it should be tossed many times to ensure that it cooks evenly.

Combine one minced garlic clove, one-fourth of a teaspoon of salt, and one-eighth of a teaspoon of ground black pepper in a mixing bowl. For the next minute, do not stop mixing the ingredients at any point.

First, use a wooden spoon to scrape the bottom of the pan to remove any browned bits before adding the chicken stock. Raise the temperature to medium and bring the liquid back up to a boil.

When you have finished adding the pasta to the sauce, proceed to cook it according to the instructions on the box.

After the pasta has been cooking for two minutes, add the chicken to the dish. This should be done after the cooking time has been started. If you think it needs more salt or pepper, feel free to season it to taste. Using parsley is totally up to you (optional).


When the oil has been heated for one minute in the steel saucepan over medium heat, you may add it. After three to five minutes, throw in the carrot, onion, and celery, along with the bay leaf, and continue to boil the mixture until the veggies are fork-tender.

Canned Noodle Soup from Scratch

After frying the veggies for a minute and seasoning them to taste with salt and pepper, add the garlic to the pan and continue to cook everything for another minute.

After the pasta and chicken have finished cooking, take the pan off the heat and slowly add the chicken stock while stirring continuously.

The pressure cooker should be set to the manual setting, the lid should be secured, and the food should be cooked at a low temperature for two minutes.

After eight minutes, if there is still pressure, it has to be removed as rapidly as possible. Check that the seasonings are prepared just as you want them.

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