Amazing Lemon Butter Ricotta and Zucchini Pasta Recipe

Mix some fresh summer zucchini, lemon, parmesan, butter, cream, and ricotta cheese together in a bowl, then serve with a garnish of chopped fresh basil. The taste is amazing.

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This is a summer pasta recipe that can be quickly and readily prepared when the weather is warm. You could make a giant bowl of it and eat it as the main meal or offer it as a side dish.

Both options are available to you. There is not one single thing wrong with this at all. In the warmer months, one of my favorite things to do in the kitchen is to whip up some straightforward pasta recipes in which crisp veggies take center stage.

Even the dishes I always go for, like my creamy corn fettuccine and this cherry tomato pasta, may be found on the table at any given time. The tomatoes and corn are the stars of each of these meals, which include very few other components.

Spaghetti made from zucchini is a dish that is perfect for the warm weather months since it is both quick and easy to prepare.

The best part is that you can put this together in the same amount of time that it takes to boil the pasta, and both the pasta and the sauce will be done at the same time.

It does not matter what shape or size the pasta is in. My personal preference is for large rigatoni noodles that are loaded with ricotta cheese; but, linguine or any other type of long pasta would work just as well. While the pasta is cooking, quickly sauté the zucchini in the olive oil.

If you don’t have access to a mandolin, a sharp knife can get the job done in a pinch, but it won’t be as fast as using the mandolin. For the zucchini to be ready for cooking in a short amount of time, it has to be sliced very thinly.

After the sugars have become a golden brown color, you may complete the sauce in the same pan by stirring in butter, heavy cream, and some of the starchy cooking water from the pasta.

After that, add the spaghetti and mix everything together very well before proceeding to add the rest of the ingredients. Combined with grated Parmesan cheese and lemon juice.

Continue tossing the pasta until the sauce becomes smooth and uniformly coats it all over. This will provide the greatest results.

Be sure to set aside a small amount of pasta water in addition to what you believe you’ll require in the event that you need to adjust the consistency of the sauce somewhat before serving.

We serve this straightforward zucchini pasta topped with ricotta cheese and fresh basil for a dish that is both refreshing and ideal for the warm weather. Enjoying!


Put a lot of water in a pot, then heat it over low heat until it boils. Add a significant amount of salt. To prepare the zucchini, first cut off both of the ends, and then cut it in half lengthwise.

You may thinly slice the zucchini with a mandolin, or you can use a knife if you don’t have access to a mandolin.

Cook the rigatoni in water that is salted and boiling for one minute less than the amount of time that is stated on the package. Ensure that the pasta is stirred often.

In the meantime, bring a pan made of stainless steel and approximately 12 inches in diameter up to a medium heat. Put some olive oil on the dish.

When the pan is hot, cook the zucchini in it while adding a little bit of olive oil. Caramelize in a short amount of time while simultaneously becoming tenderer if you cook quickly and stir often.

It’s possible that the dish needs some salt. After that, you should add butter and let it melt.

Combine using some sour cream with the entire amount of fat. Add a half cup of the starchy water that was reserved from the pasta to the frying pan. Combine everything, then bring it to a boil.

As it simmers, let the consistency thicken for about a minute. As soon as the rigatoni has finished cooking, it should be drained and then added to the sauce as soon as possible.

The mixture should be stirred constantly while the Parmesan is being sprinkled in. Mix with the juice of half a lemon.

To ensure that the sauce adheres to the noodles and the parmesan melts, give the spaghetti a good stir. Place the cooked pasta in a bowl that is suitable for serving.

Ricotta should be used to smother it. To finish, sprinkle the dish with freshly chopped basil, ground black pepper, kosher salt, and grated Parmesan.

Lemon Butter and Zucchini Pasta Recipe

This mouthwatering pasta meal won’t have to sit in the kitchen for very long before it can be served to you and your guests. This Lemon Butter and Zucchini Pasta Recipe is amazing.

After being sautéed in butter and seasoned with garlic, lemon, and herbs, a variety of vegetables, including zucchini and tomatoes, are added to pasta that has been tossed in a straightforward sauce composed of butter and some parmesan cheese.

The dish is then served. This dish is perfect for a short weeknight supper, and the satisfying results it produces are nearly certain to be achieved. My sole comment about this dish is that it is absolutely out of this world.

When you combine the phrases “very easy” and “unbelievably delicious,” a natural question that arises is “how can it be so easy and wonderful at the same time?”

This question arises because the combination of the two phrases creates an intersection at which the question “how can it be so easy and wonderful at the same time?” can be asked.

That is the precise location where it ought to be found. Since 1895, it has been made in this manner, and the only components are the highest quality cream and a trace amount of salt.

This method of production has remained in place. When it comes to imparting flavor to these crunchy veggies, this is the appropriate basis to employ.

Lemon Butter and Zucchini Pasta Recipe

You should hear a sizzling sound when you add the diced zucchini and tomatoes to the pan. We give them a taste by seasoning them with butter, garlic, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and lemon zest. To give them flavor, we season them.

Cook the spaghetti until the veggies are soft and any liquid that they may have retained has been released, but only until the vegetables are fully cooked.

That is such a shining illustration of what absolute perfection looks like! You are free to use whatever form you choose; I opted for a bow tie since I believe it looks the best, but you may use whatever you like (finally, a reason to break into that lonely box of pasta in the back of the pantry).

After the pasta has been drained, combine the zucchini and tomatoes that were previously cooked with a couple of teaspoons of the European-Style Salted Butter that is sold by Danish Creamery and a splash of the water that was used to boil the noodles. Mix well.

This combination constitutes the ideal ingredient for the secret sauce! Because it has a luxuriously smooth texture, which is a result of the 85% butterfat content and the gentle crumbling process, it is excellent for mixing with this pasta to generate a sauce quickly and with no effort.

At this point, some freshly grated parmesan is added, and if additional flavors, like salt and pepper, are wanted, they can be added to taste at this point as well.

It is possible to prepare the sauce that goes with this dish in several different ways; however, the method that involves the least amount of work but the greatest amount of time is the one that consists of butter, pasta, water, and Parmesan cheese.

Lemon Butter and Zucchini Pasta Recipe

The mix of garlic, lemon, and butter, with a few fresh basil leaves thrown on top of the spaghetti for good measure, results in a combination that is fantastic and will make your mouth wet.

Relax in the knowledge that a wonderful supper has been prepared for you with a little amount of effort required on your end. Oh, and fried tomatoes and zucchini are a delectable option for a vegetarian side dish that may also be served on its own.


As part of the preparation, the veggies need to be cleaned and then prepared by the instructions. To get the water ready for the pasta, bring a pot of water to a boil.

This will prepare the water. After putting the veggies in a skillet, start the stovetop while keeping the pan over medium heat.

Melt three tablespoons’ worth of the rich Danish butter that has been salted in a large Dutch oven that has been put over a medium heat setting.

After that, toss in the zucchini, tomatoes, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and lemon peel, and continue to stir until the cheese has fully melted. Cook while stirring often to ensure that all of the ingredients are well mixed.

Before being served, garlic is sometimes mixed in for a split second at the very end of the cooking process (around 5-6 minutes). The number of vegetables produced rises, but at the same time, they lose some of the water that they originally contained.

Lemon Butter and Zucchini Pasta Recipe

Remove yourself from the area around the stove, it’s too hot. Produce the pasta: aster must be cooked in water that has been salted according to the directions that are printed on the box.

After the pasta has been drained, measure out and set aside a half cup of the cooking liquid.

After it has completed cooking, the pasta should be drained and then mixed in with the veggies that are already cooking in the Dutch oven. This step should be performed as soon as the pasta is finished cooking.

Finish: After reducing the temperature of the burner to a low setting, continue by adding the remaining three tablespoons of butter to the pan.

While continuing to whisk, add some of the pasta’s cooking water, and continue to mix until the butter has melted. After you have had a taste of the food, you can adjust the seasoning to your taste by adding salt, pepper, or lemon juice.

As a finishing touch, sprinkle some grated parmesan cheese on top, along with some fresh basil that has been chopped into pieces. The maximum amount of time that food may be safely held after being chilled is five days.

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