Amazing Fried Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Cheese and Chicken Breast

This sophisticated recreation of an amazing recipe you may remember from your childhood has chicken breast, fresh basil with cheese, and fried zucchini pasta atop macaroni that has been drowned in a sauce composed of lemon and garlic cream.

What you read in this article:

The dish is served on top of crisp macaroni.

This meal of Cavatelli pasta, chicken, zucchini, and spinach that have been cooked together is served in an oval dish covered with a creamy sauce.

The dish may also be referred to as Cavatelli pasta casserole. Spinach is included as a complimentary side dish with the main entrée.

Do you need some chicken Cavatelli with a creamy sauce that also contains zucchini and basil? If so, we have just the thing for you.

That is the specific action that has to be taken to complete the procedure. The preparation of this scrumptious pasta meal, which manages to be crisp, aromatic, and opulent all at the same time, takes only thirty minutes, even though it is sure to leave your mouth watering.

For a dinner to be considered “complete,” it must have some chicken that was left over from the one that was consumed the previous evening (or leave it out for a completely vegetarian option).

People who are allergic to butter or are unable to consume it for other reasons may profit significantly by substituting cream for butter in their cooking (to borrow the words of Julia Child).

Although butter does have its place, I do not believe that it is required in the preparation of this speedy and straightforward creamy pasta sauce that is complemented by the addition of fresh lemon juice and zest.

Although butter does have its place, I do not believe that it is required in the preparation of this sauce.

Even though butter might be useful in certain situations, I do not feel that it is necessary for the production of this sauce.

My opinion is that butter is not required for the preparation of this sauce, even though there are circumstances in which its usage might prove to be beneficial.

Because in addition to the traditional components, it asks for zucchini and chicken, I like to think of this dish as an “adult” version of macaroni and cheese because it has all of those elements.

This is not your standard alfredo sauce that is made with white flour like the sort you get in restaurants, and it most definitely does not taste like one either.

This sauce was not produced with white flour (looking at you, Bechamel). Butter and flour make up the bulk of the structure of white sauces; however, during the cooking process, milk is almost always used in place of cream.

This is because butter melts at a lower temperature than flour. As a result of this procedure, the sauce that is produced is not only quite thick, but it also has a very smooth texture.

When I take them up, they have a texture that is gooey and unsettling at the same time to the person holding them. For the heavy cream to be useful in the making of the lemon sauce, it will first require being reduced and then having its consistency brought to a more solid state.

Putting the cream in a saucepan, bringing it to a boil, and then reducing the heat to a simmer for a few minutes is one way to accomplish this goal.

After that, it is combined with crumbled goat cheese and freshly grated Parmesan cheese, and then, after that, it is served on boiling pasta together with greens that have been wilted.


Raise the temperature inside the oven to at least 400 degrees; however, in the best-case scenario, it should be higher than that.

All of the ingredients should be combined and given a thorough mixing before the zucchini, olive oil, three-quarters of a teaspoon of salt, and red pepper flakes are spread out on a baking sheet.

You can achieve a browned appearance around the edges of the zucchini by placing it on the grill for twenty minutes. This will bring about the outcome that is desired.

The water in a kettle that already contains between four and five liters of water should have two teaspoons of salt added to it, and the kettle should then be brought to a boil after the salt has been added.

Cook the pasta until it reaches a consistency that is referred to as “al dente,” which means that it has a chewy consistency but is still slightly firm. The proper length of time spent cooking is all that is required to achieve this goal.

Put some cream, shallot, garlic, and the peel of one lemon into a container that has room for liquid, and mix all of those ingredients.

The liquid should be able to fit inside the container properly. After bringing the liquid to a boil over medium heat, maintain a simmer for the following ten minutes while it is still in the pot by lowering the heat to just below a boil (watch out for spilling).

After taking the skillet off the heat, add the goat cheese, Parmesan cheese, and lemon juice to it.

Using a whisk, stir the mixture until all of the components are thoroughly combined. The spaghetti must be served as soon as it is physically feasible to do so after it has been withdrawn from the water in which it was cooking.

In a bowl, put the chicken and the zucchini, and then pour the cream sauce over the top. Stir the mixture until everything is distributed evenly throughout the bowl.

After the spaghetti has been prepared, the surface of the dish should be topped with a sprinkle of fresh basil leaves that has been spread evenly.

To make this dish appropriate for vegetarians, the chicken should be omitted totally from the instructions. This is the only change that has to be made to the recipe.

If you do not have any Cavatelli on hand, you may substitute crusts or any other form of little ridged pasta for the Cavatelli in this recipe.

Fried Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Cheese

A classic Italian pasta recipe, spaghetti alla Nerano features fried zucchini pasta with cheese. Because it is flavorful, straightforward to make, and has only a little number of components, this meal will soon establish itself as a favorite among your loved ones.

What does “spaghetti alla Nerano” actually mean?

The locals of Nerano Bay, which is located on the Sorrentino Peninsula, are responsible for the creation of the first version of pasta alla Nerano in the 1950s.

The talented cooks at Ristorante da Maria Grazia came up with this extraordinary pasta dish by making use of veggies that are now in season, such as zucchini, and provolone del Monaco cheese.

The combination of these two components results in a sauce that is opulent and scrumptious.

The dish has been present for quite some time in Italy, but it did not get widespread recognition outside of Italy until Stanley Tucci featured it on his show “Looking for Italy.”

By the way, that is encouraging news! Because you now know that all it takes to impress the people you care about is a few high-quality ingredients and a short amount of time in the kitchen.

Components needed to make pasta alla Nerano

Utilize zucchini to its full potential if you are in a position to do so. Use regular zucchini from Italy in its place, and slice it very thinly on a mandolin. When they are thinner, they will absorb less oil than when they are thicker.

Fried Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Cheese

Cheese – The original recipe for Provolone del Monaco, which creates a peppery semi-hard cheese, comes from the Sorrentine Peninsula and may be found there.

The cheese, on the other hand, is designated as having a Protected Designation of Origin. If you seek for it in a place other than Italy, you won’t have much success finding it, and it won’t be inexpensive.

Substitute another semi-hard provolone or caciocavallo if you can’t obtain provolone Del Monaco. Simply tear the basil leaves with your hands and put them in the pan with the pasta as an alternative to cutting the basil.

When it comes to pasta, everyone’s favorite dish is spaghetti. You are free to use any kind of spaghetti you prefer, but you must take care not to cook it for too long.

The pasta can keep cooking in the pan with the ingredients for a little while longer. In classic dishes, extra-virgin olive oil is almost always used instead of regular olive oil. Nevertheless, that decision is wholly dependent on you.

Alternatively, you might use regular olive oil in place of extra-virgin olive oil if the latter is either too expensive or difficult to obtain in your region.

Garlic cloves that have been crushed and had their skins left on. You just need a little fragrance, so throw away the bottle after following the instructions if it is too potent.

Keep in mind that cheese also includes salt; as a result, you should be careful when flavoring foods. Just before serving, the pepper was pounded into a powder.

Fried Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Cheese

To make some mouthwatering Nerano Spaghetti, follow these steps:

To get things rolling, we’ll start by heating a large pot of water over a high flame. While the water is heating up, you should get started on the recipe. To prepare the zucchini, use a mandolin to cut it into thin slices, and then place the slices on a plate.

You might also use a knife, but if you do so, make sure the slices are as thin as they can be. Fry the pumpkins in enough amount of extra virgin olive oil until their color begins to develop over a heat setting of medium.

Because of how easily they catch fire, you should only operate with a tiny number of them at a time. When you have finished frying the zucchini, place it on a plate that has been lined with paper towels so that the extra oil may drain.

When the pumpkins are finished cooking, sprinkle them with salt and then add basil leaves that have had their stems and leave finely cut by hand.

After you have added some salt to the water that is boiling, cook the spaghetti by the instructions provided on the package for the appropriate amount of time until it is al dente.

During the time that the pasta is cooking, you may warm up one tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil in a skillet set over medium heat. Remove the garlic from the flame as soon as the scent begins to emerge from it.

Place the zucchini in the pan, reserving a few for use as garnish if desired. After adding the zucchini and stirring for two minutes, add one cup of the pasta water and continue stirring until the zucchini is mushy.

Fried Zucchini Pasta Recipe with Cheese

Mix the noodles with the provolone cheese and the Parmesan cheese. Stop the cooking and add one more ladle of cooking water along with some extra chopped basil once the heat has been turned off.

After one minute of stirring, the melted cheese and butter should have formed a sauce that is silky smooth and creamy, and the pasta should be equally covered in it. Make sure you have a suitable serving tray ready for the spaghetti.

On top, distribute the remaining zucchini, pepper, and Parmesan cheese. To summarize, the cooking of your spaghetti Nerano has come to an end, and it is now ready to be served.

Hints that may be useful:

Everything should be done in waves. For the pumpkins to be cooked in a single layer without the pan being overcrowded.

Be sure that you are employing a really large pot. To give you plenty of areas to toss the spaghetti with extra ingredients once you’ve added them.

If you add cheese or provolone to hot spaghetti, the noodles will stick together, and the dish will no longer have the silky smoothness that it previously had. Keep on mixing.

And by forcefully, because you have to mix, mix, and mix to achieve that incredible velvety smoothness we were going for. First, finish preparing everything, and then dig in and relish every bite.

It is recommended that you consume this meal as soon as it is removed from the pan since the cheese will become inedible and stringy if it is left to cool.

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